Narrated by Mike McAlpine
You daft, deaf old git.
Voyage to Hell
Tradotto in italiano da: Roberto Felletti
Dalle turbolente battaglie che infuriano sotto l’oceano all’immobilità delle profondità dello spazio, questo avvincente thriller paranormale vi catturerà.
Churchill Potts è il potente custode di un portale terreno che, con l’aiuto di due sensitivi-guide, trova tesori nascosti da anime smarrite quand’erano in vita e li consegna ai loro discendenti viventi.
Dopo che lo spirito demoniaco del despota più famoso del XX secolo li contatta, i membri della squadra CATAP non solo scoprono il legame che unisce Adolf Hitler all’attuale Presidente degli Stati Uniti, ma scoprono anche perché ci sia uno spirito guida alla Casa Bianca.
La squadra CATAP deve risolvere il mistero prima che la delicata struttura che unisce il mondo mortale e il piano celeste si spezzi.
Se Churchill e la sua squadra dovessero fallire, il piano che Hitler aveva ideato, il dominio del mondo per mille anni per opera del suo Reich, verrebbe attuato.
Apocalypse Now !
Next - PATH 2 – Covenant Of The Gods
The exhilarating and dramatic climax to the PATH series.
In its race to discover a new planet to colonise for its overstretched population, the human race overlooked one thing.
The PATH team have always assumed that there is a god, even though it seems a touchy subject whenever Church brings it up with his spirit keeper. Imagine his surprise when he learns that there are five gods, who are furious... especially Shirley
SPICE - A culinary Adventure
After almost thirty years of searching, Ravuth at last feels hopeful.
He thinks about the last time he saw his parents and mischievous younger brother, when the Khmer Rouge herded them off like animals along with the rest of his village.
He can only imagine what they have been through.
'What will they look like Where have they been living? Does his brother now have a family of his own? Will they remember him?'
With his thoughts in turmoil, his eardrums then pop and his stomach churns as the plane comes in to land.
Traducido al español por Rocio Belén Sileo
Con batallas salvajes bajo el océano y la quietud propia de los confines del espacio, este thriller paranormal te atrapará desde el capítulo uno sin pausa.
Churchill Potts es el poderoso guardián de un portal ubicado en la tierra mortal. Junto a dos compañeros guías psíquicos, rescata tesoros escondidos en vida por almas perdidas recién fallecidas y los entrega a sus descendientes.
Descarga CAS, El retorno del Reich, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Dog Gone Mystery
When Cruft’s Best of Breeds Champion mysteriously disappears; the finger of suspicion points at the owner of a rival kennel.
Somerset police find the missing Scottish terrier’s dermal tracker, but cannot find further evidence of a crime. Having no proof they are unable to do anything and drop any investigations.
The other dogs call in Ratchet and Stench, and even though they uncover clues that suggest a brutal murder, the animal sleuths aren’t convinced.
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IL DOPO –CATAP II - Il Patto degli Dei
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PATH – Paranormal Assisted Treasure Hunters
From turbulent battles raging under the ocean to the dark stillness of space, this fast-paced supernatural thriller follows a sinister plot planned during World War 2 and instigated in the present day.
Return of the Reich
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Time to reflect
Proof that age is just a number and getting old doesn't mean you can't have fun. It just means you know how to get away with it
Follow the madcap adventures of Britain’s most irreverently lovable elderly rockers as they trip, stumble, and fall into one situation after another while travelling around Southeast Asia evading adoring fans, journalists, and a ruthless record producer.
Viagra, snuff, and rock ‘n’ roll
#BookReview of #Fossils from #ReadersFavorite
Hoist up the incontinence pants, brush the fluff from your slippers, and make a nice cup of cocoa.
Fossils return for their second action-packed hilarious thriller. This time, the peace and tranquillity of Fossdyke gets shattered when our mischievous wrinkled rockers and their megastar friend decide to make a new record album.
Once again pursued by the now-disgraced record producer, things take a dangerous twist following the kidnapping of their friend while on a birdwatching tour abroad.